Demystifying our wellness and surf retreat

Retreats seem to be all the rage lately, but what actually separates the impactful from the just plain dull?

If you're curious about wellness topics, love to surf or have a passion for both, our South Coast NSW retreat might be right up your alley.

Far from being an all talk, zero action summit, we've designed Swell & Well to be an empowering experience that’ll leave you feeling inspired and equipped with the tools for improved holistic wellbeing.

So, what exactly makes Swell & Well different from other wellness retreats? Let's take a closer look at what sets our all-inclusive retreat apart.

What is a "wellness and surf" retreat?

A wellness and surf retreat is exactly that. A getaway that combines physical and mental activities focused on improving overall wellbeing, with the added bonus of surfing, if you're so inclined.

Retreats similar to this are held all over the world, but for some reason Australia is yet to catch onto the trend. How it works is that you pay for an all-inclusive package. We handle everything from accommodation and meals to activities and workshops.

You needn't worry about anything!

Your single purpose is to focus on your wellbeing, and in the process meet new people, make friends and enjoy a fun break from your usual routine.

Who is this type of retreat for?

If you're wondering whether or not our wellness and surf retreat in Gerringong is for you, the answer is simple. Do you:

  • Feel like you need a break from the daily grind?

  • Want to learn or perfect your surfing skills while also focusing on your overall wellbeing?

  • Enjoy meeting and connecting with likeminded individuals?

  • Need a circuit breaker to help you focus on your mental and physical health?

  • Find it hard to justify taking time for yourself?

  • Want to escape for a week but don't have time for an overseas holiday?

  • Thrive in group settings and benefit from the support and encouragement of others?

  • Look to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone?

  • Enjoy learning new skills and expanding your knowledge on health and wellness topics?

  • Appreciate nature and find relaxation and rejuvenation in outdoor environments?

  • Desire a holistic approach to improving your mental and physical health?

Our speakers reflect the diverse and varied attendees that we expect to receive. And there's no need to be an expert in wellness topics, surfing or anything else.

Swell & Well is for everyone who is curious about these subjects and wants to learn more!

How will I benefit from attending a wellness and surf retreat?

Besides getting a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life (and potentially scoring some epic waves), our wellness and surf retreat on the South Coast of New South Wales will offer you the opportunity to:

  • Reconnect with nature by staying on a property surrounded by farmland

  • Give you the opportunity to surf some of the South Coast's best waves

  • Introduce you to exciting new wellness topics and methods for fitness

  • Rebalance your mental, physical and even spiritual health

  • Learn how to incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine for long-term wellness benefits

  • Enjoy a digital detox, stepping away from screens and technology for a refreshing change of pace

  • Spend quality time with yourself and other like-minded individuals, supporting one another on a journey towards holistic wellbeing

In short, this retreat will help you relax!

Studies show that taking part in a wellness retreat can significantly reduce stress levels and improve overall mental health. So, if you're feeling overwhelmed, overworked or just in need of a reset, Swell & Well is the perfect opportunity for rejuvenation and self-care.

Ready to join our wellness and surf summit?

It can all sound like baseless buzzwords and lofty promises, but we assure you that our wellness and surf retreat is so much more.

We're a community-led retreat run by local Gerringong residents with deep roots in the area, and we're excited to share our unique blend of waves and wellness with you.

Get in touch to book your place today!


Ready to discover the transformative magic of Swell & Well?